B4 i start 2day topic, would u mind take a look at these pic. Ntg special?
Well, the first view from me is tat he's the new chinese student study at IKIP. But i was wrong. Y? Cuz he's not chinese!!! @.@
I really thought he's chinese then sudd lecturer say his name as Rashid. =.=
Plz... Check if i mistaken him as chinese.....

Ok, let start 2day topic. 2day i went to Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Pahang first universiti. Last time it's called University College of Engineering and Technology Malaysia (KUKTEM) but dunno y it's closed and upgraded to UMP. 2day is INOVEC 07 day and so, all the IPTA, IPTS, and even Matrikulasi invited to join their activity. U can view them at
here. And I, participate at Circuits Installation Challenge. There're other competition like Advance Slide Show, and Engineering Hunt. I wun say other competition and i'll juz focus on my competition. Tis competition need 2 person in the group and tis is my group member, Haniff.
V only been told tat v are on the competition on our registration day and v hav 1 week to prepare or practice. I can say tat there's no enough time to practice cuz been holiday for 2 month and sure our hand will tremble. Esp the soldering component part. Need very high concentration to produce a nice circuit. At first, they plan meeting and training at Thursday but sudd, Cik Imah go to hospital and hav to cancel the training. Wic mean, v only hav 1 day training b4 competition at Saturday. Walao....
So, after 3 hour training at Friday. V seem aledi prepare to go to die 2moro =p
2day v need to wake up very early cuz Cik Imah say registration at 8am and v need to b at the college main entrance by 6.50am. I need to wake up at 6 then prepare my thing and wait Haniff come and fetch me go there. Wen v reach there, i can c tis:
Only these ppl come early. All LATE!!!
Even the lecturer also. I wonder do all Malays are not punctual in time or other races also?
V wait and wait again till Cik Imah arrive and start to call every1 to come faster. V move at around 7.30am. Reach there around 8am and start filling up our form to confirm out participation and take 2 food coupon. The competition start at 9.15am along wif Engineering Hunt. V hav our breakfast using 1 coupon. Eat mihun, ok la but using hand again. But u knw, the timetable say 9.15am start competition but at 9.30am finally v go to our competition place. Only our compeition hav 2 stages and now v are compete at 1st stage to win over 15 places into 2nd stage wic can consider as final stage. Total participant are 46 groups and IKIP only 9 groups. Others is UMP group. How to win???? V juz diploma holders and they're degree holders. Din gv a high hope!!!! First stage circuit not quite hard but need to finish them at 1 hour is nearly impossible. First hav to analyse the schematic, then put all the component b4 the soldering part. V finish put all our components wen there's left 20 mins. Lagi impossible. But they extend the time 15mins more. After 15 mins, not yet finish. Gv another 15 mins. After tat, last 10 mins. Wat is tis competition!!!!!!!! Wen there's last 10 mins, sudd some1 come in and say tat the circuit hav correction. OMG lo...... Other ppl juz cut the connection but mine hav to "terbalik" all the thing. So, they gv me special time to turn them back. But i din k, v juz use the extra time to finish wat v not finish. At the end, v finish and left the most important part, TESTING to c if my circuit work or not. Not quite work actually cuz my 10 L.E.D (small bulbs), only 8 light. Actually the result is the L.E.D wlll twinkle. =.=!
Later i heard only few group succesfully "lighten" the L.E.D. None twinkle. So now v hav to go back to the waiting room wait for the final 15 groups. But first, of course take our lunch first. IKIP also got participate at Advanced Slideshow Design. They compete at 2.30pm and i think of myself, better dun get into 2nd stage cuz knw wun better than others and wanna watch the Slideshow. The result come out. The final 15 groups are numer 2, 3, 7, 15, 17, 19, 20, 23, 26, 30, 33, 34, 37, 40, 46(TAY CHAI BIN & HANIFF) OMG, v into the 2nd stage!!! Group 23 also from IKIP. Ntg can do, compete like normal and knw wun win anything. Juz take it as experience. 2nd stage start at 2.30pm.
The final stage go on. The circuit now is longer and complicated (actually no complicated, but blur blur cuz 2 much componenets need to use) Tis time, the period is 3 hours. I think should b enough time but i wrong. At the end, v left half soldering part cuz v're stuck at 2 component wic is alien to us. Waste so many time there. Then, go for TESTING. Tis time only 1 L.E.D and is lighten a little bit only. Actually, the result should b the L.E.D should light for 3 seconds then u use ur hand to close the cencor to light another 3 seconds. Some group only manage to lighten for 3 seconds but wun lighten wen touch the censor. Some group more funny, no light at all but wen u touch the censor, it light. Cuz tis is the final stage, so need another section. Answering question section. There's only 1 q. How the circuit work on wic mean u hav to explain how all the component related and gv out such a result. It's above our knowledge and so, v cant ans them correctly but they say v as diploma holder can make a beautiful circuit, mine circuit is neat and tidy. So, knw tat v can win cuz functionality marks content 60% T.T Nvm, next time try again, i still proud of me to beaten other degree holders.
Tis is the IKIP bus wic will take us to UMP. New bus ^0^
Hope can b like the cloud. Free free.
These is our tool box and v need them to complete our circuit.
The Nescafe lorry is here wic mean u can take drink if u wanna drink.Totally FREE... But 2 much migraine not good for health but i aledi drink more than 1.5L =p
These is my competitor from UMP and can u c they aledi wearing the engineering jacket whereas v juz wear

Can u c the sign?
There got 2 toiler and u knw wic 1 is gentle and lady??
So easy, remember the chinese say : "Boy left, Girl right"
Blok-blok at UMP wic is also their class.
The Waiting "Room" for UMP.
The Waiting "Hall" for IKIP.
Get the meaning?
The side preview for the Waiting "Room"
The elctronic engineering lab at UMP and also the place wer v hav our competition. Better than our college!!!
The bag put for Harry Potter book and T-shirt for pre-order customer
Harry Potter free T-shirt. Weird?
Guess wat inside?
Tada...... The prize tat i get from my lecturer
Can u spot the name!!!
Tay Chai Bin
IC : >>>>>>>>>
Cpa Terbaik
Zhang Dong Liang at Kuantan...
So crowded....
Here u can c my sis teaching stud. Got the teacher stle ^.^