Tis week, i got an important thing to do. Not for me, but for my college. Bcuz LAN (National Accreditation Board) is coming to survey our college. They from UTM, UiTM, Poly and LAN itself. Tis semester, 3 course will b chosen to be interviewed. DDA (Civil Engineering), DDJ (Mechanical Engineering) and DDE (Electronic Engineering). Wic mean, mine course is chosen, DDE. Somehow tis course very few student taken, soi so easily being picked as 1 of them. Total 10 ppl from my course being chosen. Other course hav more than 100 stud and the lecturer hav to chose them. I think they surely choose the 1 who hav better appearance and performance. And so Thurs is very important date for my college. Eveything wat v say, LAN will take action and so, v hav to bcareful while v answer their question. Not only student being interviewed, but the lecturer 2.
On tat day, LAN is expected to come at 2pm. So, v need to b ready at RC (Resource Centre aka Library) at 1.50pm. Tat day my class start at 9am till 11am but the lecturer leave us early around 10.30am. I wun b tat stupid to stay there till they come. Better i go back home and then come again. So, tis is wat i wear to meet LAN.

So, how m i look like? Pretty smart but still not sure if i can manage the interview section. But nvm, juz say wat v knw and complain anything tat v dun like. So, here v go....
On the way to my college, i happen to look at tis vehicle.

Quite some times din c tis. I remember the last time i c is wen i was in primary school and v r on the trip to Malacca. There u can c lot of this vehicle. So miss tat day and miss my look. Y miss my look???? Cuz tat time my face look chubby and fat. Many ppl say i more suit the past me, but i prefer now me cuz sth encourage me to do so and i wun change it. My recipe is diet diet diet for 1 year. Sure can get the result. =p
Anyway, go back to LAN. V all gather at the Lib and on the way, i meet Pn. Wan and she ask me to wait at Lib cuz LAN juz arrive and they need to hav lunch first. From the last post i mention tat Malay(sian) always not punctual in time. I guess wen they say 2pm start, my mind keep telling me they will start at 2.30pm. Even worse, nearly 3pm they juz finish eat. Wat take them so long to hav a little lunch!!!!! So, every course will hav 2 panel to interview us. Every course will be divided. I think LAN need to hav tis done faster. Last time i heard tat LAN will interviewed us 1 by 1. Now, they wan 2 ppl. Later wen they knw tat our course only hav around 10 ppl, they say 3 or 4 will do. @.@
OK, the first 3 is me, Xord, and Sergeant (the only sem3 stud). So, here v go the interview. I wun list down wat v talk bout cuz it's not quite nice. They juz ask us how u knw IKIP, how the study, lecturer, facility, hostel, and etc. And so, v juz tell them the truth.
B4 i end here, juz wanna let u c this book(no. 10), look familiar? ^.^

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