Well, 2day i perform my presentation titled polygamy. V need to do a forum and i say i agree wif it as polygamy really exist. My group has 6 member include me, 4 guys and 2 gals. 1 person do as MC and is a guy, Hafiz who do it. Tat left 5 ppl. I, xord and Hanif (Hafiz little bro) agree wif the point and tat left 2 gals who disagree. It quite ok cuz gals must dun agree wif polygamy. Who in tis world allow their husband to hav other wife. Ur face showed them u ok, but ur heart hurt so much. actually, i wan to the disagree part cuz i myself also nt agree. Well, u knw, Chinese now allow polygamy mah. Only Islam allow them and they max hav 4 wife. Madu Empat. No choice, but 3 man vs 2 woman.
Polygamy come from Greek word and tat mean multiple marriage. There are 3 types of polygamy:
1) Polygyny
2) Polyandry
3) Group Marriage
Polygyny is a marriage where men marry more than 1 wife. This is the most common u can c everywer. Polyandry is the other way round. It is a marriage wer a woman marry more than 1 husband. Tis only occur at Tibet wer 2 brother share the same wife. Group marriage is the combination of polygyny and polyandry. Tis marriage is good to further their generation bcuz they help each other to take care their children. Tis marriage also less argument between wife or husband. But this kind of marriage is quite rare same as polyandry.
Islam allow polygamy bcuz their religion ask them to. They allow polygamy if they hav to help them or the children. For example, they can marry more if they find out tat woman r disable to take care themselves. From here, they hav to help them by marry them. Same as the widow and the children, they can marry them to help the widow and the children to survive. But i need to confest tat this is the old stoy. Now, polygamy dun care much help ppl. If u like, u marry. Tat the real society. In malaysia, polygamy has increase from 5+++ to 7+++ from 1990 till now. C!!!! U dun tin tat around us also hav polygamy and it now increasing. Most is the malay.
Do the husband love their wife and it mean the first wife? Y u wan to marry other if u love ur wife? How u responsible? Tat the q tat is beong asked at the forum... Man love woman. Of course husband love their wife but sometime they love more to the ohers. There r many factors to tat.... mb husband is bored to their wife. Ugly, panas baran, changed, irresponsible to their children, and many more. I knw tat wife is very sam fu cuz hav to take care the family but guys 2. Husband hav to go out there and work and hav stress. Wife juz stay at home and do their housework. Some ppl will say how bout both go out to work.... Tat more worse.. Children they hav abandon and if both work at the diff place. They sure need to hav social wif other ppl and it allow them to get attracted easily. Husband get close to female worker and wife get close to male worker. Is tis cause polygamy to occur. 4 me, NO. Tis only make both of them divorce and not prefer marry more as the finance problem. Some say is their family, their family dun allow divorce and not also to polygamy. Tat the hardest part in marriage. Family!!!!!
Wat the condition to get marry? 4 me is 5C.....
Cash, Credit, Condo, Car, Career......
Without tis 5C, dun tin to marry or av polygamy. Tis show tat polygamy only occur wen tat ppl is wealthy or healthy. No money, nothing u can do. Most ppl now dun blif in love. I DO!!!! Iblif long time love..... Ok, talk bout polygamy, y ppl wan marry more? Beauty kill the beast... This word i learn from the movie KK (King Kong) =p If u tin marry more cuz of love, not all..... Ppl get marry cuz of the beauty or thier property.
To be continued........