Yeah, i now so addicted to internet. Can search here and tat, download tis and tat, chat here and tat. But hey, i din use it to wac porn ah.... Full of spyware and i wun risk it. So, i would never surf tat kind of website. I found a website wer i truly like tat but the network make me angry tis few days. No choice, juz go to Starbuck wer old time come again. Wen i go there, at least i order some water although it's much expensive. But hey, i gonna sit there mb for the whole day. Dun ask me how i do it. Juz like some motto "Juz Do It"
Tis few days, wen i surfing at Starbuck, i happen to meet so many foreigner here. Now is foreigner season???? I c got some "white" ppl, Japanese, Korean somemore, and even Negro. @.@ Some of them sit next table to me, and unlike our Malaysian language, their language really attract us. Mb is human nature wanna learn sth diff. Japanese i heard less, cuz they speak very softly. But the Korean, walao..... Speak plus somemore echo. Last time wen i work at WongkokRestaurant, i face a Korean family and they ask me a favor but i heard ntg understood!! So, spend a few minute wer v almost use hand language to communicate. Wat a shame!!!! Well, i kind of like "white" ppl. Of course la, starbuck is built by them. So, they knw how to enjoy here. Wen they bring children, so cute.
I dunno wen i gonna stuck at Starbuck as long as my house network connection is settled.