Night Dinner v2
So, yesterday is our E&E dinner night. Every1 hav to pay RM5 for tis dinner. Tis dinner is purposely welcome our junior wic is Sem1. So, the senior will hav work to do to welcome them, i and Xord responsible to sounding system. He'll bring the sound device, and i bring my lp =p

B4 the dinner start, all the senior hav to write sth on the paper wic maybe acted by the junior. Sound nice, i write "Dance Tango". I peep at other, some write "Kiss the car CAT 8993" wic is Xord's car, "Say 'I love u' to sarjan", "go find Xord and ask for song and sing them" etc..... Ok, let the dinner begin. 8.30pm. But b4 v can hav our dinner, it's time for junior's presentation. The junior's hav been separated into 8 tables and each table, the junior will come in front and take the paper and do exact wat the paper ask u to do. Here the event:
1st pick : "I love u, Sarjan" x3
OMG, jackpot!!!! Althought not mine, but still excited.... Cuz our sarjan b the first to get our junior love. Hoho....
2nd pick : "Peluk tiang and say i love u" x3
Here the pic:

4th pick : "Act as Mat rempit"
Well, the junior happen to found a helmet and act as Mat Rempit. Hehe.....
5th pick : "Bonus"
5th pick 2nd round : "Go kiss CAT 8993"
OMG!!! not again......V being lucky.
6th pick : "Sing Negaraku"
Everybody stand up and sing our national anthem.....
Wao... really wan to knw whose idea is it. So, they hav to find 4 senior. 2 bad, this group only hav 1 gal. Wic mean only 1 lucky guy. So, who she gonna pick? NABIL!!!!! Congratulation. Oh, 4get to tell, Nabil is from our group wic is close enough. Haha..... All the ppl stand by their camera or video to capture them. Then, there's 3 other lucky gal...
Here 1 of them, chinese junior, Lim Chin Hong.
He go take the flower to confess!!!!!
I cant stop laughing at them. All the ppl surround them and capture here and there.. Nonstop...
OK, the last pick : "sing 'cindai'
Well, dun hav tis song.
Last pick 2nd round : "walking hand"
How they suppose to do o? Whose idiot's idea.
Last pick 3rd round : "dance tango"
Here there come. My idea to them to dance tango.
It's been a long night. After their performance. Time to play some game. First game is Musical Chair. Well, quite boring isn't it? Well, v use Flight of the Bumblebee from Maksim.
Next, Poison Box?? Ppl at the table need to throw the box from table to another table wif condition cannot throw back to the same table wic throw to u. Same rule, the music stop, sth waiting for them. Hehe....
Song and action :
1) My Humps - hmm... so hard to say, but they need to goyang goyang while v play uptown gal.
2) Livin' La Vida Loca - buat muka bodoh. I cant c from the back T.T
3) Final Countdown - Sing "Barisan Kita"
Tis last time, i need to measure properly wen the box hit Hanif table, i stop the music. *evil*
4) Crazy Frog - dance wif song "Dua Dunia"
Ok, final performance is junior idea tat MC and DJ need to perform also. Walao..... Nvm, juz play only. Well, v need to dance. Shit lo!!!!

I cant stop laughing at them. All the ppl surround them and capture here and there.. Nonstop...
OK, the last pick : "sing 'cindai'
Well, dun hav tis song.
Last pick 2nd round : "walking hand"
How they suppose to do o? Whose idiot's idea.
Last pick 3rd round : "dance tango"
Here there come. My idea to them to dance tango.
It's been a long night. After their performance. Time to play some game. First game is Musical Chair. Well, quite boring isn't it? Well, v use Flight of the Bumblebee from Maksim.
Next, Poison Box?? Ppl at the table need to throw the box from table to another table wif condition cannot throw back to the same table wic throw to u. Same rule, the music stop, sth waiting for them. Hehe....
Song and action :
1) My Humps - hmm... so hard to say, but they need to goyang goyang while v play uptown gal.
2) Livin' La Vida Loca - buat muka bodoh. I cant c from the back T.T
3) Final Countdown - Sing "Barisan Kita"
Tis last time, i need to measure properly wen the box hit Hanif table, i stop the music. *evil*
4) Crazy Frog - dance wif song "Dua Dunia"
Ok, final performance is junior idea tat MC and DJ need to perform also. Walao..... Nvm, juz play only. Well, v need to dance. Shit lo!!!!
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