New Thing
Hurray, i finally hav my own room outside there 4 my study. The hostel now change to Girl's Hostel aledi.... So sad cant stay at the hostel anymore. So decided to move out. Luckily the room is juz near the hostel SPS =p Although is near the SPS but i cant enter the building cuz now it forbiddens Guys. Sad again.... This is some view of my room. A bit mess at the first day...
Door side

Side room

Outside the toilet

Inside the toilet(quite dirty de)

Another side of the room
Side after i put a new almari ^.^
Hehe..... Tis is all for my new room. 1 person stay in this room n sometime a house!!! Y i say i stay at a house? Cuz the other renter at the house seldom stay at the house. They all adult aledi n still bujang =p Tat mean tat the whole time i stay at the house, the whole day i can use anything at the house HEHE.....
I also change a new phone aledi. From Sony Erricsons K700i evolve to Nokia 6280. I use my own money to buy tis. It been a hard time to save tis amount. K700i is my mum buy for me as she promise me to giv me one after i finish SPM. Although i not really like it but i appreciate it. Now, my sis say she wan a hp n i dunwan her to waste money to buy new hp. If she buy must use a lot of money de. In fact she still small.... So, i decided to giv her my K700i n i buy a new hp. Price is quite ok de. RM1200 include 512MB miniSD card.
Sony Erricson
Second hand
40MB only
Side after i put a new almari ^.^
Hehe..... Tis is all for my new room. 1 person stay in this room n sometime a house!!! Y i say i stay at a house? Cuz the other renter at the house seldom stay at the house. They all adult aledi n still bujang =p Tat mean tat the whole time i stay at the house, the whole day i can use anything at the house HEHE.....
I also change a new phone aledi. From Sony Erricsons K700i evolve to Nokia 6280. I use my own money to buy tis. It been a hard time to save tis amount. K700i is my mum buy for me as she promise me to giv me one after i finish SPM. Although i not really like it but i appreciate it. Now, my sis say she wan a hp n i dunwan her to waste money to buy new hp. If she buy must use a lot of money de. In fact she still small.... So, i decided to giv her my K700i n i buy a new hp. Price is quite ok de. RM1200 include 512MB miniSD card.

Second hand
40MB only
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