Month Study
1st Week
IKIP registration date at 3/8 and 4/8. Lee and I take Bentong bus to Kuantan at 10.45am. Tis time v take other bus other than Transnasional. That is Bulan Restu bus which is from KL. V take central at Bentong at stop at some place and wait for the Bulan Restu bus from KL to fetch us. This bus is quite comfortable and take 2 and half hours to reach Kuantan where last time I take 4 hours..... When v reach there , v take taxi to go to IKIP for registration. When v reach there, our clock show 1.30pm. Unfortunately, that day is Friday. Guess wat? Is time for the Malay to sembabyang... =.=! V hav to wait till 2pm to register..... Bad days again, the person in-charge is late and v only register around 3pm!!! Then, i call my uncle who is on the way to Kuantan to b referees for Basketball Competition Under-18. Some history, i heard my uncle is quite actie when he's young in volleyball. Unlike weh.... I heard he hav play till international in Manila. Is it true??? Anyway, he use my van to fetch Bentong players and b arrive at 4pm. So, Lee and I wait at the Student Centre lol. Not eat yet!!!! After he arrive, he take us to fetch somebody who help me to go to my new room. Everything finish around 7pm. So tired.....
Next Mon, i start the class and everything go normal like last sem although see some new face for the new first sem student. Quite impressive tat this time, IKIP hav 10 chinese student compare only 6 ppl early year. But, i hav to go back to bentong at Wed and tat mean i only study for 2 days. I go back cuz my mum go to China and i hav to take care my siblings. =.=!!!! Anyway, tat Fri i take my siblings to KL. p/s: They ponteng class oh..... I take them to watch movie cuz they wa to watch the Pirates of Carribean 2. Tis movie i hav watch three times liao. Then, they wan watch Dragon Tiger Gate but unfortunately, they still underage. No choice but take them to watch Garfield 2. Quite funny.....

My little bro at Monorail.
Nice pose ^.^

IKIP registration date at 3/8 and 4/8. Lee and I take Bentong bus to Kuantan at 10.45am. Tis time v take other bus other than Transnasional. That is Bulan Restu bus which is from KL. V take central at Bentong at stop at some place and wait for the Bulan Restu bus from KL to fetch us. This bus is quite comfortable and take 2 and half hours to reach Kuantan where last time I take 4 hours..... When v reach there , v take taxi to go to IKIP for registration. When v reach there, our clock show 1.30pm. Unfortunately, that day is Friday. Guess wat? Is time for the Malay to sembabyang... =.=! V hav to wait till 2pm to register..... Bad days again, the person in-charge is late and v only register around 3pm!!! Then, i call my uncle who is on the way to Kuantan to b referees for Basketball Competition Under-18. Some history, i heard my uncle is quite actie when he's young in volleyball. Unlike weh.... I heard he hav play till international in Manila. Is it true??? Anyway, he use my van to fetch Bentong players and b arrive at 4pm. So, Lee and I wait at the Student Centre lol. Not eat yet!!!! After he arrive, he take us to fetch somebody who help me to go to my new room. Everything finish around 7pm. So tired.....
Next Mon, i start the class and everything go normal like last sem although see some new face for the new first sem student. Quite impressive tat this time, IKIP hav 10 chinese student compare only 6 ppl early year. But, i hav to go back to bentong at Wed and tat mean i only study for 2 days. I go back cuz my mum go to China and i hav to take care my siblings. =.=!!!! Anyway, tat Fri i take my siblings to KL. p/s: They ponteng class oh..... I take them to watch movie cuz they wa to watch the Pirates of Carribean 2. Tis movie i hav watch three times liao. Then, they wan watch Dragon Tiger Gate but unfortunately, they still underage. No choice but take them to watch Garfield 2. Quite funny.....

My little bro at Monorail.
Nice pose ^.^

Hey, my sis wanna kill me cuz i take this picture.
Quite ugly leh....
2nd Week
Actually, i decided to go back at 16/8 and my mum come back tat day. But, i hav to go back early one day cuz of my motor delivery. Yep... I take my motor to Kuantan as i need motor to go to IKIP. 2 days study without motor and need to depend on taxi quite costing ah... Mr Sang say that on Wed he din go to Kuantan but on Tues. No choice but to go back early lol. Tat time, I and my uncle take motor to go to Mr Sang house to put my motor on his lorry. Then, my uncle fetch me home and hav to stay overnight. Y? cuz i hav to go back to Mr Sang house at 4am to fetch me to Kuantan. He always deliver thing tat early and if i wan to 'sun fong ceh', i hav to follow lol. I stay overnight till 2am and my uncle fetch me to Taman Siantan where Mr Sang live. But v don go to his house cuz mb he still sleeping. So, v go to nearby restaurant and yc first. But my unlce leave me at 3am. cant blame him cuz 2molo he hav to help my mum to fetch the children to my mum's kindergarten. So, i drink alone till 4am. I walk to his house and take his lorry to Kuantan. Finally, i can sleep now. Zzzzzz......
Reach Kuantan at 7am... stilll sleepy and Mr Sang stop at nearby restaurant to hav some morning tea woh. Gosh.... I hav to go to school later leh. Faster take down my motor and let me go back to my room to continue my dreamland.... Still hav to acc him to deliver some stock and i hav to follow him cuz 2 person r unable to take down my motor. I only get back my motor at 8am and i only manage to put down my luggage. Then, i hav to go to IKIP. I called Lee and ask her where is she. She still dunno tat i come back tat day. When she saw me, i smiled and wat did i get. She kicked me and say it is a big surprise. Still painful.... Almost 1 week din go to class and hav to catch up all the subject.
3rd week and the 4th week will b my quiz and test week b4 Merdeka. And after Merdeka still also hav test to go. But I hav a lot of fun at my English class which ithe subject is called English For Academic Communication. Puan Nana (her name look like a Japanese movie NANA =p) ask us to prepare a forum. Group is divided into 5 or 6 ppl. My group hav 6 ppl (Me, Haniff, Hafiz, Syazni, Shah, and Dian the tomboy) Oh yeah, believe it or not, Haniff and Hafiz is siblings but both din take SPM. Haniff born at 88 and Hafiz same age wif me 87. Both same semester wif me. Din take SPM? Quite true cuz both r taking 0-Level at Mesir. Wao!!!!! I not sure y they study here? Anyway, Puan Nana giv us a title and do the proper forum. I done it b4 wen i take IEC few month ago. The title is "Early Marriage". The day v do the forum, I act DR TAY CHAI BIN.... All hav to giv some opinion bout the topic but i not prepare much cuz too busy do my 1 week homework. So, my starting point is so @#$#@. But wen i start to discuss the topic, i was in the discussion. All the student and Puan Nana hear our forum. V discuss the topic where i and Syazni quite agree the topic. I say tat all the marriage must start wif money first. Tat real!!! Without money, u cant get marry no matter early or late. And i also do some equation..
Money + Matured thinking = Love or Marriage
This equation i think can help me get some point. Later, wen the audience start asking question and nobody ever bother bout my equation. But Puan Nana ask me some question. She say my equation is questionable. OMG...wat will she ask me...
Puan : The equation that u stated r questionable. If there is no money, so there is no love.
Me : Ehhhh
Puan : so, this equation is not acceptable.
Me : No... There is nothing wrong to my equation. Let me explain it.
Puan : (Listen)
Me : As i say that for all the love, v need matured thinking and money. Matured thinking is for both ppl of they can stay 2gether for how long and how much u willing to sacrified to them. Money is the most important cuz without money, u cant do anything. No money to spend, buy thing wen Valentine or birthday or some memorable day like your 1000th hours, 100days and 1 year anniversary for both ppl wen they start to date or marry.
Puan : (Still listening)
Me : So, the complete equation is like tat.....
Money + Matured thinking = True Love
Wen there is no money, Money=0
Matured thinking = Love (see, still got love)
This love is quite ok for all the lover but wun last long cuz din hav plan for future.
NO MONEY MEAN NO LIVE, NOT NO LOVE (diff only the 'i' and 'o' only =p)
Wen there is no matured thinking, Matured thinking=0
Money=Love (also got love)
This love is for the ppl who only wan money more than love.
Lastly, wen there is no money and no matured thinking everything is zero.
Love=o (now no love anymore)
Me : It show that my equation hav nothing wrong at all. Anymore question....
Puan : TQ (Quite happy my explaination)
Although i hav my bad starting bout quite ok for my point in my equation. =p
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