Wahaha... My birthday at 10/10 is sth tat cannot be 4getten. I thought tat day same like last year i celebrate myself in my room but not tis year. So many ppl greet me although not more than 10 or less. For me, is quite alot. Well, first ppl to wish me is Amanda from msn last week. Then, is Liew also in msn =p The night b4 my birthday, my frens sms me. First lucky ppl is Meow Meow. Follow by my Ketarian fren, Hui fei, Kar Wen, and Yee How. At the morning, Lee wish me a morning birthday greet. So bahagia. Then is Wai Kuen and Amanda. Well, i tin tis two ppl must juz wake up at nearly afternoon gua...=p I hav my birthday cake from Lee who go out and buy for me. Later, v go out to Kuantan Parade for a walk and she bought me a new bag and cap!!!! So beautiful :)
Then, v go to Megamall to meet Meow and Yy cuz they go to watch Rob-b-hood. Walao weh, this movie is fully booked and tat left 10 seats... The time they watch also a lot of ppl. I heard is full 2. Then, go shopping again and v separate. Wen v meet up, i got my new cloth... So hungry, decide to taste the new Japanese Restaurant, Oiishi. At night, my sis sms me to wish me. I ask y so late to greet and she say she wan to b the last ppl to wish me. So unlucky, the next morning, my best frens, LZW wish me. Soli, Chai Yee... U not the last ppl muahaha....
Here i post some birthday picture.....
Then, v go to Megamall to meet Meow and Yy cuz they go to watch Rob-b-hood. Walao weh, this movie is fully booked and tat left 10 seats... The time they watch also a lot of ppl. I heard is full 2. Then, go shopping again and v separate. Wen v meet up, i got my new cloth... So hungry, decide to taste the new Japanese Restaurant, Oiishi. At night, my sis sms me to wish me. I ask y so late to greet and she say she wan to b the last ppl to wish me. So unlucky, the next morning, my best frens, LZW wish me. Soli, Chai Yee... U not the last ppl muahaha....
Here i post some birthday picture.....

p/s : I sense tat my new cloth the jacket look like Amanda's???? Juz a bit darker i think
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