Who M I, I M Chai Bin

Monday, January 08, 2007


Found tis poem on newspaper. This poem is wrote by local genius at 12 years old in 1988....

A charge from plus infinity,
Shoots into the negative direction,
A charge from minus infinity,
Shoots into the positive direction,
A great bang appears,
The birth of a number!
The sum of plus infinity and minus infinity,
Makes the world's greatest property-neutral!
Zero is its name.
It is a great number!
For it is the only neutral...

...Zero is very quiet,
It does not like to mix with 1,2,3...
For zero to mix anything to the right,
It'll lose its neutrality,
If zero mixes with anything to its left,
It'll go astray...

It has conquered mankind!
But why... ha! ha! ...
Has mankind ever wasted time...
On nothing?
On Zero?


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